Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Project: Wally's Playroom

Wally's toys have taken over much of our house, to the dismay of the "grown ups" who often need to tidy them up. So another major DIY project of mine will be transforming the spare bedroom/junkroom downstairs into Wally's play area. Here are some ideas I've rounded up from the interwebs.

I'm pretty much leaning towards this room, which echoes our upstairs bedroom - with the combination of light blue and white paint. Mostly because I want to make use of the left over blue paint from my bedroom makeover.

I like the retro touches on this room.

The chalkboard and shelves here are great ideas.

Sit n' store. I like the idea of a multi-purpose storage space.

Adorable! I'm fighting the urge to make something like this! I just keep on reminding myself that Wally's a boy.

* All images from Ohdeedoh

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Holiday vs. Babysitting

Having three leisurely days in in Shangri-la was just what I needed to unwind but I wish I could've stayed longer. Considering I was lugging around a very active toddler all by myself, it was still a very enjoyable holiday. I know it's weird to see the words "unwind" and "toddler" in the same paragraph. And true enough there were times when it felt like it was more Wally's vacay. So I just held on to the baby reins loosely and looked for activities we both enjoyed - which there were plenty of. We'll do this again next year, for sure. I'm savoring the years while he still thinks hanging out with mom is cool.

 {early stroll along the beach}

{even Perry had a blast}

{free ranging}

 {enjoying breakfast and the scenery}

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New stash

A bunch of supplies arrived before I left for vacation. They're mostly stringing material, as you can see. I haven't been able to play with them yet. I'm probably going to make a few hemp bracelets soon, keeping the beach holiday vibe of my recent vacation.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hello from vacationville!

Taking a very much needed, semi-spontaneous vacay to keep myself from going crazy at work. :D

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Project: Workstation

I've picked a space in the house that would make a good workshop - the library. It has ample space, shelving, and a nice big window. Problem is, right now it houses not just books but a big mass of clutter that we've accumulated over the years.

{check out the vintage piggy bank}

So far I've been able to sufficiently sort my materials but am still constantly looking for ways to organize my tools and bead stash.

{I store my beads in clear jars that I buy by the bulk at a perfumery/cosmetics supply store}

{messy work table}

{more beads}

It is pretty hard to work when your area is in a constant state of mess. My goal is to finish my workshop in the coming months. Lots of organizing and tidying up to do. Maybe I can do some DIY decorating as well. Looking forward to that.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pasta vs. the Creepies

I had been wanting to watch Insidious for a few weeks now. I heard from my sisters that it was a total creepfest. Both of them had trouble sleeping for a few days after watching the movie, and so I became really curious about it. I finally got to watch it today. I made sure to watch it in broad daylight, following my sisters' advice. Being easily freaked out myself, I took extra precaution and watched it in the most unconducive setting - in the living room, where I could hear Wally watching Spongebob Squarepants a few feet away.

So after what could have been a mild heart attack, I went off to look for something to take my mind off the disturbing visuals. The solution: comfort food in the form of Italian sausage macaroni.

Wally helped me whip this up, him being my cooking "student" and all. He learned all about chopping onions and boiling pasta today while I fine tuned my cooking show host skills.