Tuesday, March 6, 2012


A carpentry accident has left my left thumb unusable for the past week. I finally got to start working on Wally's toy fridge, and I thought it would be a good idea to salvage the wood from my old closet. So after sawing up the wood to toy-fridge size, I was prepping it for sanding. Then I accidentally slashed my thumb with a putty knife while scraping off some extra stubborn 13 year old dried wood putty on one of the panels. Funny thing is, I didn't even feel a thing. It was the massive bleeding that freaked me out. Apparently it was a pretty deep (1.5 cm) arterial laceration - my finger was peeing blood. It had to get stitched. And a 1.5 inch section of a wooden tongue depressor was bandaged to my thumb to keep it from bending. Boo.

So today marks the first week of my stitched-up thumb. I haven't washed the dishes in a week. Hooray for that! But at the same time it's been pretty challenging to do a lot of menial tasks like opening a bottle or cutting the fingernails on my right hand. Needless to say, the toy fridge project has been put on hold indefinitely. Well, this has been a very unproductive week for me. And with that I'll leave you with a picture of our room. Because a picture of my mangled finger would be really gross.

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