Friday, June 1, 2012

Free time, and some Pullip pics

I've been quite busy with work these past few weeks that I haven't had much extra time to do anything besides chores, errands, and eating out (harhar). In fact, I'm only taking a break from work now because my brain is falling asleep. And come to think of it, I need a snack.

In other news, I've reinstalled The Sims 3 on my laptop and added a few expansion packs. Howdy, old friend! I've been playing Sims since the first ever version was released (a very long time ago) and it has always been an effective way for me to loose track of the hours. Ok so I shouldn't be wondering where all the rest of my free time went. But but but... having a pet horse in-game is sooo much fuuun!

So while my Sim was earning a motherload of Simoleons busking in the streets of Sunset Valley, nothing much happened for me IRL. Er, I mean I have been busy with work. Really! Ok, I'll just post a few pics of Indigo, my Pullip Tiphona. I've had her for some time but haven't posted any pics so far.

Here she is in her box. You can see my junk lying around in the background.

While Henri had horrible stock shoes, Tiphona has pretty decent ones. Her bag is cute too.

Here's a closer shot... she's so darn pretty! Hm, why don't I make a Sim that looks like a Pullip? That's an idea...

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